Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?. Would you rather never have to shower again or never have to clip your toenails?. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?. Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?. Would you rather be the funniest person alive or the smartest person alive?. Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or create a new language?. Would you rather only be able to crawl on all fours or only be able to walk backwards?. Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?. Would you rather fly a kite or ride on a scooter?. Would you rather go water skiing or snow skiing?. Would you rather see a firework display or go to a concert?. Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?. Would you rather be the worst player on a team that always wins or the best player on a team that always loses?. Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?. Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or the bathroom floor?. Here are all 100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids: Here is a preview of what the cards look like and we have left a few blank for you to fill in your own too! Would You Rather for Kids – 100 Questions Bring them with you to the amusement park waiting lines. Bring the cards to the doctors office, dentist, whenever you have to wait. How You Can Use Your Would You Rather Questions for Kids Printable Cards They are great for making the game easy for kids to do or keeping in an activity box for a rainy day.
Make sure you skip down below to grab the free printable cards available to all newsletter subscribers. All of these questions are made for kids and with kids in mind. And hopefully get a few giggles out of them in the process. But we do know these will keep your kids busy for awhile. Some may make you laugh (we hope a few will). Some you may need to think a little harder on. Here are the 100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids. To get the one pager to print, skip down to the bottom and see more details about our newsletter subscription.
Note: This is just a preview of the one-pager and will not print at a good resolution.
Would You Rather for Kids – 100 Questions. How You Can Use Your Would You Rather Questions for Kids Printable Cards. It also helps build more perspective, improve social abilities, broaden awareness of different topics, and strengthen friendships. My kids can practice discussing contrasting opinions with their friends and family about things that are more trivial so that when bigger topics come up they are more prepared! Something I really like about playing Would You Rather is that it builds debating skills in a healthy and non-threatening way. Okay, yes, the main purpose of these would you rather questions for high school students is to have fun! But I wouldn’t be a mom if I didn’t also want it to have some benefits for my teens too! The more debates the better, because that’s when it gets really funny! Benefits of Would You Rather Questions for High School Students You can do this one at a time by picking a question from a bowl, you can answer as a group, or even ask each other in partners. Once you have the questions ready, you can read them off and answer them. GOOD WOULD YOU RATHER QUESTIONS FOR KIDS FULL
I highly recommend downloading the cards because they make it so much easier, but you can also see a full list of the questions below. The first step is to scroll down so you can access the questions. Using these would you rather questions for high school students is so simple.
If you spend any time around high school kids, you’ll definitely want to keep these on hand for any hangouts you have coming up! How to Play Would You Rather High School Game You can also grab out Would You Rather for Teens, our Would You Rather Halloween and our Would You Rather Valentines Day for even more ideas! There are plenty of questions about social media, parents, teachers, friends, homework, and more, all ready to go with these printable cards. To be honest, these questions are just as much fun for me as they are for my kids, but they are geared toward teenagers and anything that might be relevant to them. Is it just me or does it feel impossible to find games made for teenagers that are appropriate but still fun and silly? But not anymore! Since we love playing Would You Ratherso much, I decided to come up with 100+ Would You Rather Questions for High School Students! Just download, print, and play! Would You Rather Questions for High School Students If you are a parent, teacher, grandparent, or anyone else around teens, you need these 100+ Would You Rather Questions for High School Students! This Would You Rather High School version is the perfect appropriate but still so fun party game for teens.